Monday, May 23, 2011

Disco Bob's SoWa Debut

Disco Bob showed off his traveling portraits yesterday at SoWa open market. People loved him! Most of the pictures were pretty straight forward with him in front of the Eiffel Tower, with Big Ben, etc. However, this picture stumped a lot of customers. I love how the background matched his hair perfectly. Can you figure out where Disco Bob traveled to in this picture? :)

Want to know more about Disco Bob? Click here!


  1. I want to say he is in some kind of... market?? This is harder than where's wally!!! Disco Bob so cute :)

  2. Haha, I LOVE Disco Bob! He looks so happy, and I love the slight swagger of his little hips in the photo. :) I have no idea where he is, but cheers to many adventure little guy!

  3. pretty close erin lol :)

    leslie, i love the way you describe his pose hehe!

    come back tomorrow for the location :)

  4. Wouahou ! That's so fun ! :)
